for Tomorrow

“Contribute to the Life and Living of People
around the World”

Compliance Management Policy

Based on the management philosophy of contributing to the "life" and "living" of people around the world, Tongsuh Petrochemical Corporation has established the following management guidelines and practices compliance management accordingly.

Fundamental Philosophy

Tongsuh Petrochemical Corporation contributes to the "life" and "living" of people around the world.

Management Guidelines

  • 1. We stand from the customer's perspective, contemplate together, and create new value.
  • 2. We respect the individuality of our employees and value the reward of working and teamwork.
  • 3. We aim at an international high-yielding company and contribute to our shareholders and stakeholders.
  • 4. We strive to preserve the global environment and secure the safety of our products and business activities.
  • 5. We observe laws and social norms as good corporate citizens and advance together with society.

Compliance Management Policy

01Value creation and social contribution

The company actively engages in social contribution and strives to realize the happiness of customers, shareholders, employees, and the entire company by creating new values required by the times in harmony with society.

02Considering environmental safety

The company actively engages in social contribution and strives to realize the happiness of customers, shareholders, employees, and the entire company by creating new values required by the times in harmony with society.

03Compliance with social norms

The company abides by laws as a conscientious corporate citizen and conducts business activities while respecting local culture and customs.

04Respect for individual personality

The company respects the personality and individuality of its employees and maintains a work environment free from discrimination.

05Securing management transparency

The company communicates with society, including shareholders, and actively discloses corporate information appropriately.

06Respect for information and intellectual property

The company respects intellectual property, including trade secrets, preserves its rights, and respects the rights of others.

07Practicing corporate ethics

The company appeals to all employees to practice corporate ethics and pursues moral behavior as good corporate citizens through reorganizing internal regulations, enlightenment, education, and auditing.