For Tomorrow

Safety·Health Management Policy

Tongsuh Petrochemical Corporation recognizes safety and health as the company's top priority in all business activities. The company do its best to comply with laws and standards, establish and share a Safety·Health Management System, and ensure that all employees work in a safe and pleasant environment.

Safety·Health Management Policy

  • 1. Make "protecting workers' lives" and "creating a safe working environment" the top priorities in business activities.
  • 2. Thoroughly comply with safety and health-related laws and regulations, establish an internal process, and periodically review the implementation status.
  • 3. Aim for an accident-free workplace by determining safety and health goals and establishing and implementing detailed action plans to achieve them.
  • 4. Maintain a safe workplace by incorporating opinions, removing and controlling risk factors based on the Safety·Health management system, and providing sufficient human and material resources.
  • 5. Assign responsibilities and obligations to all employees for safety and health activities, and ensure that suppliers and contractors comply with our safety and health policies and requirements.
  • 6. Establish a safety culture that fits the company's circumstances to employ an autonomous safety management system.
April 1, 2024
Co-CEO, President
Vice President